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Who we are

The name "KUMQUATS" was created because of the skin of the first puppets as they were the same color as the little sweet fruit know as a Kumquat. The number of KUMQUATS-Fans went extremly up and is still on the rise - Once upon a time ....based on the results of surveys among teachers and in her own experiences, Heidi Degro designed and sewed the first puppet. Heidi and her partner Ludwig Bodrik presented it in kindergartens and to their friends. The instant response was fantastic. They sold many puppets…costumers even waited for over three months to get their hands on these original puppets. In a very short time they designed more puppets and today there are about 30 different KUMQUATS-Puppets in production.

Kumquats USA

was formed in 2009 after Marjun Biernath discovered that Kumquats didn't exist in the American market. As she used the puppets in her own children's lives too enriched the growing up experience.  She wanted to share these puppets with other families.  Just put this as a caption to the pictures. Have a look at some of these pictures above and you can see that Lucky, their first puppet was even joining son at school or that he was joining them for breakfast.

So they started Kumquats-USA to spread the smile.  Starting from their home office in Marin County, CA they first supplied their products to local shops, dentists, and hospitals.

Contact Us @ kumquatsusa@gmail.com and spread the smile !
Your Kumquats team